Elettric80 - Customer Testimonials

Quotes from Elettric 80 Customers

"Over the last few years, we have worked on improving our logistical infrastructure. When the decision was taken for the next step of efficiency improvements, to automate the end-of-line process in Falkenberg, it was natural to consider an LGV-based solution.

E80 had a solution which worked for our existing facility, offering conventional block storage capabilities and the ability to store in different types of rack. In conjunction with the LGV technology, we also invest in rack solutions which enable us to maximise storage space for our range of products which cannot be stacked."

Peter Nilsson, Supply Chain Director, Carlsberg Sweden

"Elettric 80 has provided us with systems for a number of years, which is why we approached them about developing a solution which could handle single display products in our new plants in the UK and Germany.

As we expected, the solution which Elettric 80 deployed combined both innovation and flexibility. The emphasis Elettric 80 places on research and development ensures that as we and our products evolve so does our end-of-line automation strategy."

Emi Stefani, President, Sofidel

"The installation of Freeway has solved numerous logistical problems to the extent that I, personally, have become a promoter of this revolutionary technology in the world of beverages."

Alberto Bertone, President, Fonti di Vinadio SpA

"The E80 warehouse LGV system allows us to have a fully automated process from palletizer to putaway – no damage, no battery changing, no problems. Due to the large operational scale of the warehouse, replacing fork lift trucks with LGVs has improved productivity, safety and costs. Maintenance of the equipment is handled by Elettric 80 from its UK base."

Alan Armstead, General Manager Logistics Operations, Gerber Juice Company Limited

"Elettric 80 is a reliable partner that provides end-of-line solutions for the tissue industry.

The Freeway system meets our requirement for high-speed palletization and cost-effective flexibility. We have Europe's fastest palletizing islands. During the equipment installation phase, our plant production was not affected."

Håkan Crona, Production Manager, Metsa Tissue

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