Minimising system integration risks with the Beamex Business Bridge

Integration of various independent IT systems is a requirement in almost any business these days, but many times system integration projects are considered costly and risky.
Integration of various independent IT systems is a requirement in almost any business these days, but many times system integration projects are considered costly and risky.

Beamex minimises system integration risks by introducing the Business Bridge - a standardized, but configurable software solution for connecting Beamex CMX calibration management system to an ERP/CMMS system.

Integration of various independent IT systems is a requirement in almost any business these days, but many times system integration projects are considered costly and risky, as staying within the original project budget and timetable can be a challenge, specifications and scope of work keep changing constantly during the project and system maintenance of a finished, highly customized integration solution turns out to be difficult and expensive. Beamex minimises these system integration risks by introducing the Business Bridge - a standardized, but configurable software solution for connecting Beamex CMX calibration management system to an ERP/CMMS system.

Mr. Pekka Videnoja, Product Owner of the Beamex Business Bridge solution explain: "Many of the common system integration risks relate to the fact that system integration typically requires software development, customization or configuration on both ends of the integrated system, the calibration software and the ERP/CMMS system. We are aiming to minimising these system integration risks by offering a solution where the integration part related to the calibration software is based on a standardized, but still configurable solution".

Having a standardized integration solution brings many benefits. Due to a standardized solution, a system integration project requires less customer-specific software development work. This means quicker and more reliable delivery. A standardized solution also means availability of long-term software maintenance contracts with regular software updates for software evolution and helpdesk services. Availability of long-term support contracts also decreases IT system lifecycle risks.

The Business Bridge is therefore a safe, less risky and future-proof solution for integrating calibration system with an ERP/CMMS system and the integration project can implemented more quickly and accurately. Jan-Henrik Svensson, VP Sales & Marketing of Beamex explains, "Having a safe and less risky system integration solution with long-term maintenance capability is appreciated in many of our regulated customer industries, such as the pharmaceutical, energy as well as food and beverage industries".

The main purpose of the Business Bridge software solution is to provide a transfer channel for sharing instrument, work order and basic calibration data between the calibration management and ERP/CMMS systems. System integration itself is beneficial in several ways.

Firstly, productivity may increase significantly due to system integration, as data needs to be entered and kept up to date in one place only, instead of manually re-keying the data into two or more separate systems. Secondly, because data needs to be entered only once, human typing errors and delays related to manual re-keying of data are minimised. The Business Bridge solution is available for integrating Beamex CMX calibration software with several of the leading ERP/CMMS systems used in the processing industry.

As a software vendor, Beamex is able to offer all key elements of a system supply project, including calibration software licenses, services required for supplying an integrated system (such as consulting, project planning and management, software configuration, installation and training) as well as system support and maintenance programs.

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