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Thought leaders earn respect by providing introspective information to their industry. Their observations are informative and engaging b not purely promotional.
3 hot issues for B2B marketers   26th March 2015
In the past you could have been excused for thinking of digital marketing as a bit like an iPhone b nice for some, but a plain old Nokia does all I need. Those times have changed.
In the dim, dark distant past before the Internet, consumers were exposed to hundreds or even thousands of advertising messages every day via radio ads, billboards, print ads or television commercials. Can you even begin to imagine what that figure is now?
Have you ever wondered why some content inspires people to take action, while other content doesn't get a second glance?
No doubt you've heard plenty about content marketing in recent years, but often it's discussed in broad terms rather than specific ideas and handy tips you can 'hang your hat on'.
The first step toward effective content marketing is to actually make a plan. It's one thing to discuss big ideas, but until you have them right there in front of you b it's unlikely results will live up to your expectations.
Creating effective product pages   13th November 2014
Product pages are the nuts and bolts of your online marketing b get them right and more buyers will get in touch. Here are some great product pages and tips on how you can achieve strong results with yours.
Your website is the face of your company. It needs to look good, work properly and evolve with the growing needs of your business. That's why it's important to put a lot of thought into your next website.
If you were offered the choice between a guaranteed 100 readers of your dazzling new marketing campaign or a guaranteed 1,000 readers the decision would be obvious, right? Show me the numbers!
It is often under-estimated how important having an e-Newsletter is. Some businesses feel that being first on Google, which is all about attracting new business, is their highest online marketing priority.
Some will say that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has become the holy grail of online marketing and that it can make or break a company.
SMEs dipping their toes into digital marketing b and even businesses with an established web presence determined to climb a few more rungs of the Google ladder b often find the term 'SEO' an overwhelming hurdle.
Rarely will you hear a story about a new product that was so innovative and so necessary, that it attracted attention from the moment it hit the market with little marketing to get sales rolling in. Effective marketing connects great ideas with eager buyers.
Online B2B marketing strategy means finding ways of attracting visitors to your business website, right? Wrong. In reality website referrals can often be one of the least important metrics to assess the performance and progress of a holistic marketing platform.
Planning your marketing budget   10th April 2014
Marketing is vital for the growth of any business because it drives brand awareness and directly or indirectly generates revenue, but one key element of marketing strategy is sometimes overlooked b the budget.
Thought leadership is a buzzword in content marketing, and with good reason. The value of thought leadership pieces is their ability to promote your brand as the expert in the field.
If an image speaks a thousand words, imagine the promotional possibilities of showcasing your technology in action, or verbally and visually sharing your knowledge with an audience of eager buyers.


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