eTrack Products - Customer Testimonials

We have 100's of happy customers, here's what a few have to say:

Stuart Hood – Director Park Hood Architects – Ireland

"Many thanks and all performing very well and so far very very pleased. We got a huge amount out of the first 1 hour session and are adding content and detail as we go."

Terence Keswick SVT Engineering Consultants

"Thanks for all your hard efforts in maintaining our insatiable appetite for pushing the boundaries of the possibilities of eTrack development. This year we have done 69,120 timesheet entries and we hit our 3000th invoice. With your help and our passion for increasing useability we have made eTrack the foundation of our operations."

DDC Architects – Geoff Ferris-Smith (Director)

"I have and will continue to market etrack on your behalf and thank you for your exemplary customer service."

Nelson Architects – John Nelson (Director)

"I think it more than fits the bill, it's going to be fantastic (March 2014)."

Site Image – Landscape Architects – Andrew Leuchars

"We are delighted with the product and do not see the need for you to run a full demo in the office before purchasing. This is the first time we have seen a product that has been so thoughtfully put together from a company that understands the basic business principles of our business. This is very exciting."

Syscorp Pty Ltd – Chris Liddell (Managing Director)

"Over the last year we used eTrack to generate complicated weekly invoices to multiple profit centres in millions of dollars. eTrack is a mission critical system for us…"

Dr Michael Warner SNSI

"What a marvellous tool it is that you have put together. You must be proud of it! It really is amazing to have a single project management tool that does financials and non-financials, allows Cost-benefit analysis that splits out financial from non-financials, is nicely presented with traffic lights, does real time and projected line graphs, handles very complex partnerships as well as normal projects, and does portfolio management as well. Quite AMAZING really. So… Michael Walmsley, you are a star. Send me the bill !"

GIO – Kris Spudic (eTrack Administrator)

"Always happy to help, and as eTrack is a good product it's been easy to sell its virtues to potential users. Both Carol & I have been vocal in our support of it to our guys here. In addition, if you feel I can help with other potential customers please send them through, it's not a problem."

Financial IQ – Sophia (Administrator)

"It's really user friendly isn't it…"

AON – Prince Soundararajan

"The evaluation copy of eTrack is fantastic, I just love it…. "

Hothouse Pty Ltd – Kylie Barrett (Manager)

"It's really simple."

Sungard – Colin Russell

"We have used eTrack since version 1.1. Initially, it helped us with Issue Tracking and Timesheets. More recently, with the expanded functionality, we're using eTrack for Project Planning and Management, and for Invoicing clients. The next step looks like a review of our software development methodology in conjunction with eTrack's template facility, and I'm sure it won't end there ….."

ING Helen Patterson

"I would also like to thank you and your team for all the effort they put in, in terms of getting all of our changes and amendments done. We had a very tight deadline and I appreciate how quickly you were able to respond. Thanks again."

Buckerfield Architects – Robert Buckerfield

"Fundamental to all Architectural Practices is the allocation of work to staff, the programming of that work to be completed in a timely manner with the correct allocation of resources, the overlay of checklists for quality assurance and the capturing of hours and costs for work completed. eTrack has allowed us to draw these disparate and often neglected duties into one refined management system and advance them to new levels. It is self policing and the user friendly nature means staff enjoy implementing the system."

Roc Oil Mining – Clare Mills

"The ease of operation of eTrack was one of the many attributes that I would recommend to all would be buyers. I did just a short 10 minute presentation using a projector to staff and the majority just went to their computers logged in and did it – no major training required! ….and yes I did have FUN whilst I was setting up the system for Roc's use. eTrack itself is a dream to set up and maintain from the Administrators desk and the reports are brilliant – easy to download to a medium so that the data can be manipulated into just about any form. The local technical support was uppermost in Roc's mind when deciding to purchase eTrack and this is and has been one of the greatest features – Roc has specific requirements because of the industry in which we operate. eTrack has been willing to write and adjust their system so that we can get the optimum value in the use of eTrack as a Time-recording and Time-Costing system."

Grant Maggs Architects

"Our main use of eTrack is in the staff time sheets. The figures extracted from these time sheets were extremely efficient in creating reports, on all project stages which then enabled us to prepare accurate design estimates for future jobs, based on past similar projects. The support staff are always extremely helpful and ready to modify the program to suit our company as the need arose".

"The Architect Institute only recommended two products – eTrack and some other one that I can't remember. eTrack is definitely the easiest to use and best looking from the products we have looked at."

Caldis Cook Group Architects – Stephen Caldis (Director)

"As an Architect Director I manage my office that has in excess of 60 building projects running at any one time from concept to completion. We use eTrack to do this. We selected eTrack after studying in depth many other time management packages. At the time E-track was the only affordable package that provided reports on a time basis to our staff. From a manager's viewpoint, hours budgeted are the currency that staff understand, fees expressed in dollars terms are not understood by staff as they do not know or appreciated the high overheads that a large office generates. Time management is essential to running a business profitably and we found eTrack does the task for us in an efficient way. There is a lot in the software to assist an office in improvement. We also use it in assessing the productivity of staff in our regular reviews."

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