Master finish Master Finish 6.5m Double ...
Double beam screeds ride on formwork and are a simple yet extremely effective unit to strike off and screed concrete quickly and accurately. The vibrations caused by the unit consolidate the concrete and provide a forward movement, propelling the screed forward. Most commonly used in precast applications.
Features and Benefits
To contact Allcon Group about Master finish Master Finish 6.5m Double Beam Screed - Concrete Screed use Get a quote.
Double beam screeds ride on formwork and are a simple yet extremely effective unit to strike off and screed concrete quickly and accurately. The vibrations caused by the unit consolidate the concrete and provide a forward movement, propelling the screed forward. Most commonly used in precast applications.
Features and Benefits
To contact Allcon Group about Master finish Master Finish 6.5m Double Beam Screed - Concrete Screed use Get a quote.
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