Reduce trip hazards with Tyrex solutions

Do you have a trip hazard that could put someone’s safety at risk? Or a hazard that could trigger a negligence claim for damages against you?

As the owner of a premises, you have an obligation to ensure trip hazards are minimised.

Make Your Business Safe For Customers
Tyrex Solutions can help reduce trip hazards in your shop, café, business, home or office.

Avoid Public Liability Claims
Examples of public liability claims include injuries due to:

  • Hard to see steps
  • Slippery surfaces
  • Exposed floor cords & cables
  • Other trip hazards

Do you know your public liability obligations?
In the case of Kelly v Lend Lease Retail Pty Ltd in 2010, Justice Higgens said duty of care will be breached and liability established:

  1. If it appears by evidence, however slight, that the foreign matter in question had been on the floor in question for a greater time than is reasonable before it ought to have been seen and removed
  2. If it appears that no reasonable system for inspection and cleaning of the floor was in place having regard to expected hazards, it may be inferred that it is probable that if such a system had been in place the fall would have been avoided
  3. If the substance was one which ought not to have been allowed on the floor in the first place then the Defendant will be liable whether or not the cleaning system is reasonable and however long it had been there.

Contact Tyrex today to find out what products we have to help reduce the hazards in your premises.

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